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6 February 2024

Larry Page Announces All Electric Self Flying VTOL Taxi

Larry Page, co founder of Google, announces the all electric two person vertical take off and landing craft, Cora. It can take off like a drone and has 12 rotors and a parachute as backup if all else fails. It has three autonomous computer systems that can land the plane independently and can fly up to 110 mph over a distance of 60 miles without a pilot.
Cora began as a dream. An air taxi so personal and so simple it could take the trips you make everyday, the ones that define our lives, and bring them to the sky. Designing an air taxi for everyday life means bringing the airport to you. That’s why Cora can take off and land like a helicopter, eliminating the need for runways.
Cora was designed with the planet in mind from day one. It’s part of the electric revolution that’s leading us to a sustainable future. And with the power to rise above the road, Cora will help ease the pressure traffic places on all our lives. You have got enough happening in your life without having to learn how to fly. But what if flying across town was as easy as hopping in a rideshare? What if Cora could fly for you?
Cora will combine self-flying software with expert human supervision, so you can enjoy the ride. Cora has the potential to transform spaces like rooftops and parking lots into places to take off right from your neighborhood. After eight years of tackling some of the biggest challenges in aviation, that dream is one step closer. Cora isn’t just about flying. Cora is about the time you could save soaring over traffic. The people you could visit. The moments that move you.
Every revolution has a story. The right people, the right time and the right place coming together for something special. In 1903, it was the Wright Brothers in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The very same year, Richard Pearse took to the sky in New Zealand.
Kitty Hawk’s story starts with a group of dreamers from California with a big idea. To build the aircraft the world has been fantasizing about since Wilber and Orville–Marty’s Delorean, the Jetson’s Hovercar–an aircraft so personal it could weave the freedom of flight into our daily lives.
After almost 8 years of engineering, re-engineering and re-re-engineering, Kitty Hawk had designed an air taxi, affectionately named Cora, that could take off like a helicopter and transition to flying like a plane. The possibilities were limitless.
Cora has the potential to take off from a rooftop and hop across a city. To transform a parking lot into an airpad in your neighborhood. You wouldn’t have to know anything about flying a plane. Cora could fly for you. And it would be all-electric, helping to build a sustainable world.
Kitty Hawk relocated to New Zealand because their Central Aviation Authority has the respect of the worldwide regulatory community. A people who embrace the future. And a dynamic economy that could serve as a springboard for Cora. They had already built one of the world’s most sustainable energy ecosystems – with 80% of the country powered by renewable energy. Now they were looking to harness the benefits of the electric mobility revolution.
Finally, the dreamers from California met the visionaries from New Zealand. Zephyr CEO, Fred Reid, remembers the moment, “We had no idea what to expect. They could have laughed us out of the room. We were pitching something that sounded like science fiction.” But Dr Peter Crabtree of New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) saw the opportunity immediately. “In New Zealand, we know we can’t keep using the same old approaches to meet our future challenges. We saw Cora’s potential as a sustainable, efficient and transformative technology that can enrich people’s lives, not only in New Zealand, but ultimately the whole world.”
This could well be ready and available to buy in the next three years. It would cut travel time drastcially as it flies direct so no traffic jams, plus you could park on the roof and take the lift straight down to the office.

Category: Supercars, Travel