Finding The One isn’t always fairy-tale straight-forward. It takes patience, searching (and soul-searching). It means experiencing the not-so-right, the you’ve-got-potential, the what-on-earth-was-I-thinking?! But they always ...
Bordeaux, oui. Cognac, oui. But Angoulême… Still yes? Unless you’re an avid cartoon fan (I’ll explain more about this later), Angoulême may be somewhat of ...
The smiles struck me first. Sunshine smiles, happy-to-see-you smiles, there’s-such-a-treat-awaiting-you smiles. Greetings as heartwarming as the jasmine tea brought to us as we checked in, ...
If Imagination had a home, Iceland would be it. But, deciding where exactly in this skyr-topped millefeuille land of folklore, trolls and spirits, is a ...
My ‘to do’ list tick-tocked through my mind. Emails, meetings, deadlines; presents to buy, friends to visit, appointments to sort. So much to do and ...