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6 February 2024

Beauty with Benefits – The Many Reasons Why Your Body Needs Lymphatic Drainage

I generally like to keep one day a week free from any form of transportation, to ground and connect myself back to….. me. Me time! We all need more “ME time” so that we can give better “WE time”.If like me, you have often wished that the spa could come to you rather than having to “rush to relax”? The recent technological trend of home services has created a solution that brings beauty and delivered to your door with ease and expertise.
CitySwish has mastered the concept of providing beauty treatments to your living room or office, and since many of us seem to live at the office, we might as well make the most of the space. By going online, you can now “order up’ beauty much the same way you would tap your fingers on your Uber App, and have a friendly face arrive to you within an hour or so. This is ideal as no one really wants to go from bliss to battling their arch nemesis: Traffic, and the masses for that matter. I much prefer the 5 second walk to my door and having the results delivered to my feet, literally.
I will admit that I felt a bit awkward at first, as I now had a “guest in my home” and wanted to be hospitable, whereas when I go to a spa, I gladly let everyone cater to me. It’s all about me, me, me, and let’s get back to me. You feel liberated to be totally self-centered, which is nice for a change, so to have a stranger in my home, immediately made me want to make the lovely technician feel, um, well…. at home and be hospitable to her, which is exactly what I want a respite from. I managed to get over my neuroses when I climbed onto the massage table and drifted off and let go of my need to people please and let myself have a pleasing massage.
Many people haven’t heard of a “Lymphatic Drainage Massage”. Being from California, I have been a long-time fan of this treatment as I consider it be beauty with benefits, many benefits. Despite the name of it sounding a bit off-putting, it’s actually one of the most gentle and soothing massages you could imagine, and it’s highly effective for detoxing with an anti-inflammatory and slimming effect. I always feel lighter, and my muscles look more defined after this treatment. Scientifically, this makes sense as your lymph nodes are just below the dermal layer of skin and they hold in all of that pesky water weight and toxins. A sluggish lymphatic system is often the culprit that puts the puff in puffy after a big night out of too many libations, aka: drinkies. Unfortunately, alcohol doesn’t do a body any good, but some home spa remedy time certainly does. Lymphatic drainage works with your body, not against it and is truly the “No pain, all gain”…of beauty benefits!
Lymphatic drainage massage is also used for sports performance therapy or for a faster recovery after an injury or a surgery. A deep tissue massage might cause more harm than good, yet a lymphatic massage is often a better treatment as it helps the body to remove proteins and waste products from the affected area and reduce swelling, all of which aids in helping to heal the body faster.
All of these magic powers in just one hour you ask? Well, ideally it is best to have a series of these massages, in addition to body brushing daily and using products that help you to keep calm and detox on! Mio Skincare has a range of what I consider to be “spa care” products, such as “Shrink to Fit” and “Skin Tight”, “Get Waisted” as well as “Liquid Yoga, with catchy and clever titles like these, you get the picture. These products mean business and are packed with active ingredients such as Coffee Arabica Seed Oil, Green Tea, Horsetail, Rosemary Extract and Aloe plus many more super nutrients that when used on a consistent basis, with an emphasis on “consistent basis”, will add a helping hand in accelerating your results. Two helping hands and a body brush is more like it. All of this combined with lots of water, especially alkaline water and/or lemon water, a mostly plant-based diet along with toning and stretching exercises, you will quickly start making progress. And who doesn’t love progress? A body in motion stays in motion. The better you feel the better you feel. I could go on with this but the truth is, that this is true, when you are excreting toxins and increasing endorphins you will naturally feel happier and more balanced. Science says so. Winning!
Committing to a daily and monthly combo is my recommendation. I have set aside extra time for body brushing and massaging in Mio Skincare products morning and night and yes, sometimes I would prefer to hit snooze but the products smell very nice and they feel really luxurious. I am also scheduling a monthly lymphatic drainage massage in my “home spa”. Plus, while I am at it, I might as well get a shellac pedicure as it is nice to see pretty feet above my head in pilates class, that way whether I can master the pose or not, at least I can focus on how perpetually perfect my toes look.
For more details, do visit the very comprehensive site at to see the full product range and super fabulous tips and then check out for additional treatments such as the Dead-Sea Wrap, Manicures/Pedicures, Spray Tanning, Hair Styling and Blow-Outs. First time Cityswishers, get a handy discount code: CitySwishExcellence in the booking form to receive £15 off from your first treatment.

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